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Famous People Born in 1906
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Arendt, Hannah
October 14
The author of 1951's
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Baker, Josephine
June 3
The Black American singer/dancer famous in 1920s Paris
Beckett, Samuel
April 13
Irish-French author of
Waiting for Godot
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
February 4
The theologian hanged for plotting against Hitler
Carvel, Thomas
July 14
Founder of the Carvel ice cream empire
Chaney, Lon Jr.
February 10
Larry Talbot, the guy who becomes
The Wolf Man
Cochran, Jacqueline
May 11
The aviator who headed women pilots in World War II
Dihigo, Martín
May 25
The Cuban baseball star known as "The Immortal"
Doss, Nannie
"The Jolly Black Widow" serial killer
Farnsworth, Philo T.
August 19
Inventor of the all-electronic television
Gein, Ed
August 27
Wisconsin killer who inspired the movie
Gödel, Kurt
April 28
The Austrian mathematician known for his Incompleteness Theorem
Huston, John
August 5
Director of
The Man Who Would Be King
Johnson, Crockett
October 20
The author of
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Messick, Dale
April 11
The creator of comic-strip heroine Brenda Starr
Odets, Clifford
July 18
The author of the play
Waiting for Lefty
Senghor, Leopold
October 9
The French poet who was Senegal's first president
Thompson, Jim
September 27
The author of
The Killer Inside Me
Wilder, Billy
June 22
Director of
Sunset Boulevard
Some Like It Hot
Youngman, Henny
March 16
The comedian who said "Take my wife -- please!"
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in 1906
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