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Famous People Born in 1914
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Burroughs, William S.
February 5
The author of
Naked Lunch
DiMaggio, Joe
November 25
"Joltin' Joe," legendary Yankee center fielder
Ellison, Ralph
March 1
Author of
Invisible Man
Felix, Maria
April 8
The legendary Mexican movie star known as
La Doña
Guinness, Alec
April 2
Obi-Wan Kenobe in the original
Star Wars
Heyerdahl, Thor
October 6
Leader of the Kon-Tiki and Ra Expeditions
Jiang Qing
March 19
Mao's wife and leader of the Gang of Four
Jones, Grandpa
January 30
Co-star of the show
Hee Haw
LaLanne, Jack
September 26
The host of the 1950s fitness show
The Jack LaLanne Show
Llewelyn, Desmond
September 12
"Q" in the James Bond film series
Marshall, E. G.
June 18
Lawrence Preston in the classic TV series
The Defenders
Muskie, Edmund
March 28
U.S. Senator from Maine, 1959-80
Parks, Bert
December 30
Longtime host of the Miss America pageant
Paz, Octavio
March 31
The Mexican poet who wrote 'Piedra de sol' ('Sun Stone')
Reeves, George
January 5
Superman on the 1950s TV series
Rouse, James
April 26
Urban planner who developed Boston's Fanueil Hall
Russell, Harold
January 14
The disabled vet in
The Best Years of Our Lives
Salk, Jonas
October 28
Developer of the polio vaccine
Stafford, William
January 17
The poet who wrote "Traveling Through the Dark"
Thomas, Dylan
October 27
The Welsh poet who wrote "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Nght"
Van Allen, James
September 7
Cosmic ray expert who found the Van Allen radiation belts
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in 1914
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