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Famous People Born in 1951
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Allen, Karen
October 5
Marion Ravenwood in
Raiders of the Lost Ark
al-Zawahiri, Ayman
June 19
Osama bin Laden's one-time partner in al-Qaeda
Biden, Jill
June 5
The First Lady of the United States, 2021-present
Bigelow, Kathryn
November 27
The Oscar-winning director of
The Hurt Locker
Brown, Gordon
February 20
British prime minister, 2007-2010
Carson, Ben
September 18
The neurosurgeon who ran for president in 2016
Carter, Lynda
July 24
Wonder Woman from 1970s TV show
Dickerson, Ernest R.
June 25
Spike Lee's cinematographer and the director of 'Juice'
Earnhardt, Dale
April 29
Nascar's "The Intimidator"
September 17
Vampy TV host of late-night horror movies
Ferrigno, Lou
November 9
Muscular star of TV's
The Incredible Hulk
Franken, Al
May 21
The liberal comedian who was elected senator from Minnesota in 2008
Frisell, Bill
March 18
Innovative guitarist who recorded
In Line
Geldof, Bob
October 5
The singer who organized the Live Aid concerts
HAL 9000
The supercomputer from
2001: A Space Odyssey
Hamill, Mark
September 25
Luke Skywalker in
Star Wars
Harmon, Mark
September 2
Jethro Gibbs on the TV series
Harris, Charlaine
November 25
The author of the Sookie Stackhouse
True Blood
Hijuelos, Oscar
August 24
The author of
The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love
Hilfiger, Tommy
March 24
Fashion mogul with the blue-white-red rectangle logo
Holder, Eric
January 21
Attorney General of the United States, 2009-2015
Hynde, Chrissie
September 7
Leader of the rock band The Pretenders
Jenkins, Beverly
The author of African-American romances such as 'Through the Storm'
Kamen, Dean
Inventor of the Segway transporter
Keaton, Michael
Star of
Lage, Carlos
October 15
Vice President of Cuba
Limbaugh, Rush
January 12
The host of radio's
Rush Limbaugh Show
Morsi, Mohammed
August 20
President of Egypt, 2012-present
Prefontaine, Steve
January 25
Oregon running legend and subject of the film
Ramone, Joey
May 19
Lead singer of The Ramones
Ride, Sally
May 26
The first American woman in space
Rush, Geoffrey
July 6
The Oscar-winning star of the 1996 movie
Russell, Kurt
March 17
Snake Plissken in the movie
Escape From New York
Seymour, Jane
February 15
TV's Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
October 2
The bass-playing former frontman for The Police
Sullenberger, Chesley B.
January 23
The pilot who landed flight 1549 in the Hudson River in 2009
Vandross, Luther
April 20
The R&B singer of
Dance With My Father
Ventura, Jesse
July 15
Former professional wrestler and governor of Minnesota
Williams, Robin
July 21
The manic comic who won a dramatic Oscar for
Good Will Hunting
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in 1951
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