Let’s look at photos of Claire Danes, just because she’s an attractive actress who appears in television shows and motion pictures.

This is how Claire Danes looked at the Vanity Fair Oscar party last year. A wider shot:

Nice dress!

Also last year (we’re behind the times, we know) she was named the Woman of the Year by Harvard’s Hasty Pudding Club. Which means being given a stuffed bear (also for no reason) and being kissed by college men dressed as women.

It also means doing a little barefoot dance…

…and being a good sport as you accept your golden pudding pot.

Meanwhile, she’s also been starring in the popular TV series Homeland, often looking pensive and/or haunted.

She playes a bipolar CIA counter-terrorism expert. With a heart of gold. (Sort of.)

It’s not a “fun” show, exactly. But it did win Claire Danes the Emmy as best actress in a dramatic series last year — beating Glenn Close, Kathy Bates, Julianna Margulies, Elisabeth Moss and Michelle Dockery (of Downton Abbey fame). Tough competition.

Here she is, in fact, accepting that Emmy Award.

She’s married now, alas, to actor Hugh Dancy. You can tell he doesn’t really deserve her. It looks like he may be losing some of his hair up front, and possibly he’s growing it out in a desparate attempt to retain her affection. Just speculating, here.
Let’s go back to happier days. Remember how charming she was in this Gap commercial in 2007?

Also, she was quite awesome with the great Steve Martin in the 2005 film Shopgirl. But it didn’t end happily.

Here’s wishing her happy endings in real life. (Except for the Hugh Dancy thing.) She’s terrific.
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