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Famous Disappearing Acts
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Bell, Art
The original host of the eerie radio show "Coast to Coast AM"
Bierce, Ambrose
Author of
A Fiend's Delight
Christie, Agatha
Author of
Murder on the Orient Express
Cooper, D.B.
The parachuting skyjacker who maybe got away
Crater, Judge
The New York judge who vanished in 1930
Earhart, Amelia
The pioneering female pilot who disappeared in the South Pacific in 1937
Fossett, Steve
The record-breaking aviator who disappeared in Nevada
Gray, Spalding
Creator of
Swimming to Cambodia
and other monologues
Hoffa, Jimmy
The powerful Teamsters honcho missing since 1975
Hyde, Glen and Bessie
Newlyweds who disappeared in the Grand Canyon
Levy, Chandra
The intern who disappeared from Washington D.C. in 2001
Mallory, George
The man who climbed Mount Everest "because it's there."
McPherson, Aimee Semple
The popular 1920s preacher who disappeared
Miller, Glenn
Wartime big band leader
O'Hair, Madalyn Murray
Head of American Atheists
Sanford, Mark
The South Carolina governor who was caught with an Argentinian mistress
Stalin, Joseph
The dictatorial leader of the U.S.S.R. from 1928 to 1953
Theremin, Leon
Inventor of the electronic musical instrument
Villa, Pancho
Legendary Mexican bandit
Died Plump
Doctors Who Write
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