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From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Biden, Jill
The First Lady of the United States, 2021-present
Cosby, Bill
The controversial star of the hit 1980s sitcom
The Cosby Show
Dr. Dre
Founding member of the gangsta rap group N.W.A.
Erving, Julius
Hall of Fame basketball star
Holliday, John Henry "Doc"
The gambler who fought with the Earps at the O.K. Corral
Kissinger, Henry
U.S. Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford
Lennon, John
One of the songwriters from The Beatles
Livingstone, David
The Livingstone of "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
Nilsson, Harry
The guy who sang "Jump into the Fire"
Schlessinger, Laura
The radio advice-giver known as "Dr. Laura"
Seuss, Dr.
Author of
The Cat In the Hat
Severinsen, Doc
Bandleader for Johnny Carson's
The Tonight Show
Spock, Dr.
The author of
Baby and Child Care
Watson, Doc
The blind folk guitarist with the distinctive flat-picking style
Westheimer, Ruth
The short, spunky German sex expert of the late 20th century
Who, Doctor
Time-traveling hero of the long-running U.K. television series
Dr. Who
Facially Challenged
Female First Flights
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