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Famous More Audacity Than Cranial Capacity
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Berry, Albert
The first man to parachute out of an airplane
Ham the Chimp
America's first chimpanzee in space
Kelly, Alvin 'Shipwreck'
World-champion flagpole sitter of the 1920s
Knievel, Evel
The motorcyclist who tried to jump the Snake River Canyon
Kobayashi, Takeru
The six-time winner of the Nathan's Famous hot dog eating championship
Patch, Sam
The daredevil who jumped off Niagara Falls in 1829
Scott, Robert Falcon
The second man to reach the South Pole
Wallendas, The Flying
The most famous high-wire act of the 20th century
Models of Victoria's Secret
Oddly Preserved
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