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Famous Possibly Poisoned
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Alexander the Great
The mighty Macedonian conqueror of the ancient world
Austen, Jane
The author of
Pride and Prejudice
Bonaparte, Napoleon
The French military genius and Emperor of the 1800s
Roman emperor and star of the book
I, Claudius
Felix, Maria
The legendary Mexican movie star known as
La Doña
Johnson, Robert
The legendary blues guitarist of "Crossroads" fame
Milosevic, Slobodan
President of Serbia, 1989-1997
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Composer of
Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Phar Lap
Legendary Australian racing champion of the 1930s
Prabhupada, Srila
Founder of the Hare Krishna movement
Robin Hood
Legendary medieval good-guy robber and expert archer
Taylor, Zachary
U.S. President from 1849-1850
Played Sherlock Holmes
Presidential Candidates 2012
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