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Famous Presidents Closely Related
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Adams, John
President of the United States, 1797-1801
Adams, John Quincy
President of the United States, 1825-1829
Bush, George Herbert Walker
President of the United States, 1989-93
Bush, George W.
President of the United States, 2001-2009
Dole, Bob
The 1996 Republican candidate for president
Dole, Elizabeth
Senator from North Carolina, 2003-09
Harrison, Benjamin
President of the United States 1889-1893
Harrison, William Henry
President of the United States, March-April, 1841
Kennedy, John F.
President of the United States, 1961-63
Kennedy, Robert F.
The assassinated brother of John Kennedy
Roosevelt, Franklin
The president who led the U.S. through World War II
Roosevelt, Theodore
President of the United States, 1901-1909
Taft, Robert
The U.S. Senate's "Mr. Republican"
Taft, William
The large man who was U.S. president from 1909-1913
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