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Famous Bush Clan
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Bush, Barbara (First Daughter)
The brunette twin daughter of George W. Bush
Bush, Barbara Pierce
U.S. First Lady, 1989-93
Bush, George Herbert Walker
President of the United States, 1989-93
Bush, George Prescott
The son of former Florida governor Jeb Bush
Bush, George W.
President of the United States, 2001-2009
Bush, Jeb
The brother of President George W. Bush who was governor of Florida from 1999-2007
Bush, Jeb Jr.
The youngest son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush
Bush, Jenna
The co-host of the morning show
TODAY With Hoda and Jenna
Bush, Laura
The wife of former president George W. Bush
Bush, Lauren
Fashion-model niece of former president George W. Bush
Bush, Neil Mallon
George W. Bush's brother, who ran the bankrupt Silverado Savings & Loan
Bush, Noelle
The daughter of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
Bush, Prescott
The father of president George Bush
Bush Twins, The
The twin daughters of George W. Bush
Bopped on the Head
Celebrities Touching Animals
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