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Famous Unfinished Terms of U.S. Vice Presidents
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Agnew, Spiro
The 39th vice president of the United States, 1969-73
Arthur, Chester
President of the United States, 1881-1885
Calhoun, John C.
The Senate leader who was vice president for both J.C. Adams and Andrew Jackson
Clinton, George
United States vice president under Jefferson and Madison
Coolidge, Calvin
President of the United States, 1923-29
Fillmore, Millard
President of the United States, 1850-53
Ford, Gerald
President of the United States, 1974-77
Gerry, Elbridge
The early American politician who gave us the term "gerrymandering"
Johnson, Andrew
The president who followed Abraham Lincoln
Johnson, Lyndon
President of the United States, 1963-1969
Roosevelt, Theodore
President of the United States, 1901-1909
Truman, Harry S.
President of the United States, 1945-53
Tyler, John
President of the United States, 1841-1845
TV Stars of the 1960s
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