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Famous Clan Kennedy
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Kennedy, Caroline
The oldest child of John and Jackie Kennedy
Kennedy, Edward (Ted)
U.S. senator from Massachusetts, 1962-2009
Kennedy, Ethel
The wife of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
Kennedy, John Jr.
JFK's son who also died young
Kennedy, Joseph Jr.
The older brother of president John Kennedy
Kennedy, Joseph Sr.
The millionaire father of President John F. Kennedy
Kennedy, Michael
The Kennedy who died while skiing
Kennedy, Patrick
U.S Representative from Rhode Island, 1995-2011
Kennedy, Robert F.
The assassinated brother of John Kennedy
Kennedy, Rosemary
The Kennedy sister who had a lobotomy
Lawford, Peter
British "Rat Pack" member and Kennedy in-law
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
Wife of president John F. Kennedy
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
The star of the
movies who became governor of California
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
The founder of the Special Olympics
Shriver, Maria
NBC News correspondent and wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Challenger Commission
Counterculture Heavyweights
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