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Famous People Who Died of beheading
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Grey, Lady Jane
The nine-day Queen of England
John the Baptist
The man who "prepared the way" for Jesus of Nazareth
King Charles I
The British king beheaded in 1649 after civil war
King Louis XVI
France's king at the time of their 1789 revolution
Lavoisier, Antoine
French chemist who proved the law of conservation of mass
Marie Antoinette
The Queen of France who probably didn't say "Let them eat cake"
More, Sir Thomas
The author of
Raleigh, Sir Walter
The man who (maybe) laid his cloak over a mudpuddle for the queen
Robespierre, Maximilien
French revolutionary leader during the Reign of Terror
Valentine, Saint
The namesake of Valentine's Day
barbed by a stingray
bladder stone
All Causes of Death
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