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Famous People Who Died of stroke
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Baker, Josephine
The Black American singer/dancer famous in 1920s Paris
Brice, Fanny
The vaudeville star who was the basis for the musical
Funny Girl
Chase, Salmon P.
The Secretary of the Treasury who was on the $10,000 bill
Cummings, E. E.
The experimental poet who spelled his name without capitals
Daniels, Charlie
The fiddle player who did "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
DeLorean, John
Creator of the DeLorean car
Dewey, Melvil
Inventor of the Dewey Decimal Classification System
Hart, Johnny
Creator of the strip
Hayes, Isaac
The singer of "Theme from
Jones, Grandpa
Co-star of the show
Hee Haw
Julia, Raul
Gomez in
The Addams Family
Margaret, Princess
Sister to Queen Elizabeth II
McCay, Winsor
Creator of the comic strip
Little Nemo in Slumberland
Nixon, Richard M.
The U.S. president who resigned after the Watergate scandal
Obereon, Merle
Cathy in the 1939 movie version of 'Wuthering Heights'
Peres, Shimon
The 8th prime minister of Israel
Perry, Luke
Dylan on the 1990s series 'Beverly Hills 90210'
Reynolds, Debbie
Star of the 1952 musical "Singin' in the Rain"
Scott, Sir Walter
The author of
Sendak, Maurice
The illustrator who created
Where the Wild Things Are
Singleton, John
The writer and director of
Boyz N the Hood
Sorensen, Ted
Counselor and speechwriter for John F. Kennedy
Thatcher, Margaret
The first woman to be prime minister of the United Kingdom
stomach cancer
stroke complications
All Causes of Death
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