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Famous People Who Died in 1978
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Crane, Bob
Star of TV's
Hogan's Heroes
Ellis, Don
The experimental post-bop jazz musician who invented the "superbone"
Gödel, Kurt
The Austrian mathematician known for his Incompleteness Theorem
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Vice President of the United States, 1965-69
Jones, Jim
Christian preacher who led 908 followers to their deaths
Mead, Margaret
The anthropologist author of
Coming of Age in Samoa
Meir, Golda
The first female prime minister of Israel
Messerschmitt, Willy
Designer of Nazi Germany's Bf-109 aircraft
Milk, Harvey
The gay San Francisco city official gunned down in 1978
Pope John Paul I
The pope who reigned for 33 days
Rockwell, Norman
Cover artist for
The Saturday Evening Post
Young, Gig
Oscar-winner from
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
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in 1978
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