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Famous People Who Died in 1984
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Adams, Ansel
Nature photographer of the American west
Basie, Count
Swing bandleader and performer of "One O'Clock Jump"
Brautigan, Richard
Author of
Trout Fishing in America
Burton, Richard
The Welsh actor who was Liz Taylor's husband twice
Capote, Truman
Author of
In Cold Blood
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Foucault, Michel
The French philosopher who wrote
This is Not a Pipe
Gallup, George
The founder of Gallup public opinion polls
Gandhi, Indira
Prime Minister of India, 1966-77 and 1980-84
Gaye, Marvin
Singer of "Sexual Healing"
Gein, Ed
Wisconsin killer who inspired the movie
Kaufman, Andy
The 1970s weirdo comedian extraordinaire
Kroc, Ray
The entrepreneur behind the fast food chain McDonald's
Lawford, Peter
British "Rat Pack" member and Kennedy in-law
Mason, James
The smooth English villain from
North by Northwest
Merman, Ethel
The brassy star of
Annie Get Your Gun
Peckinpah, Sam
The movie director who made
The Wild Bunch
Powell, William
The star of
The Thin Man
series of films
Sinclair, Gordon
Creator of the famous "Americans" broadcast
Thornton, Willie Mae
Blues legend and original singer of "Hound Dog"
Truffaut, François
The French filmmaker who did 'The 400 Blows'
Wilson, Jackie
R&B pop/soul singer who did "Baby Workout"
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in 1984
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