Scientists at Dartmouth have developed a top-secret tool that can show how much celebrity photos have been digitally altered.
“SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking-hot models can cause shortness of breath and may restrict blood flow to the brain.”
“SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Photoshopped models can cause angst, bitterness and may complicate pregnancy. A lot.”
“SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Objects on cover are larger than they appear.”
I’m not even sure I want the Surgeon General slapping a wrinkle rating on my magazine covers. Next thing you know she’ll be putting flouride in our bourbon. I’ll give up my Photoshop when they pry my enormous bronze pecs from around it.
Still, Dartmouth has a reputation as the conservative Ivy League school, so it’s comforting to know that this isn’t another one of those wooly-headed ivory tower projects we’ve all heard so much about. There must be something to it.
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