Famous People Who Died at Age 25
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Barrow, Clyde (at 25 years 60 days on May 23, 1934)
Shakur, Tupac (was shot to death at 25 years 89 days on September 13, 1996)
Keats, John (died of tuberculosis at 25 years 115 days on February 23, 1821)
Ham the Chimp (at 25 years 202 days on January 19, 1983)
Owen, Wilfred (at 25 years 231 days on November 4, 1918)
Shaw, Robert Gould (was killed in battle at 25 years 281 days on July 18, 1863)
Richthofen, Manfred von (was shot to death at 25 years 354 days on April 21, 1918)