Famous People Who Died at Age 41
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Bryant, Kobe (died in a helicopter crash at 41 years 156 days on January 26, 2020)
Trintignant, Marie (died of a skull fracture at 41 years 192 days on August 1, 2003)
King Richard I (Lionheart) (was killed in battle at 41 years 210 days on April 6, 1199)
Austen, Jane (at 41 years 214 days on July 18, 1817)
Turing, Alan (committed suicide at 41 years 349 days on June 7, 1954)
Cassady, Neal (at 41 years 361 days on February 4, 1968)