Famous People Who Died at Age 44
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Stevenson, Robert Louis (died of cerebral hemorrhage at 44 years 20 days on December 3, 1894)
Byck, Samuel (was shot to death at 44 years 23 days on February 22, 1974)
de Saint Exupéry, Antoine (died in an airplane crash at 44 years 32 days on July 31, 1944)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (died of a heart attack at 44 years 88 days on December 21, 1940)
Holiday, Billie (at 44 years 101 days on July 17, 1959)
Muenter, Erich (committed suicide at 44 years 103 days on July 6, 1915)
Ellis, Don (died of a heart attack at 44 years 145 days on December 17, 1978)
Chekhov, Anton (died of tuberculosis at 44 years 155 days on July 2, 1904)
Lawrence, D.H. (died of tuberculosis at 44 years 172 days on March 2, 1930)
Irwin, Steve (died after a stingray attack at 44 years 194 days on September 4, 2006)
Pollock, Jackson (died in an automobile crash at 44 years 196 days on August 11, 1956)
Himmler, Heinrich (committed suicide by taking cyanide at 44 years 228 days on May 23, 1945)
Benét, Stephen Vincent (at 44 years 234 days on March 13, 1943)
Thoreau, Henry David (died of tuberculosis at 44 years 298 days on May 6, 1862)
Bakley, Bonny Lee (was murdered at 44 years 331 days on May 4, 2001)
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford (died of a possible brain tumor at 44 years 364 days on July 5, 1826)
Gaye, Marvin (was shot to death at 44 years 365 days on April 1, 1984)