Famous People Who Died at Age 47
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Garland, Judy (died of a drug overdose at 47 years 12 days on June 22, 1969)
Nelson, Horatio (was killed in battle at 47 years 22 days on October 21, 1805)
Tatum, Art (uraemia at 47 years 23 days on November 5, 1956)
King, Rodney (died of drowning at 47 years 76 days on June 17, 2012)
Bolívar, Simón (died of tuberculosis at 47 years 146 days on December 17, 1830)
Chaney, Lon (died of throat cancer at 47 years 147 days on August 26, 1930)
Fielding, Henry (at 47 years 169 days on October 8, 1754)
Colt, Samuel (at 47 years 175 days on January 10, 1862)
Hamilton, Alexander (was shot to death at 47 years 183 days on July 12, 1804)
Goebbels, Joseph (committed suicide at 47 years 184 days on May 1, 1945)
Newton, Huey (was shot to death at 47 years 186 days on August 22, 1989)
Jones, Jim (was shot to death at 47 years 189 days on November 18, 1978)
Guaraldi, Vince (died of a heart attack at 47 years 204 days on February 6, 1976)
Kerouac, Jack (at 47 years 223 days on October 21, 1969)
Yale, Linus Jr. (died of a heart attack at 47 years 265 days on December 25, 1868)
O. Henry (died of cirrhosis of the liver at 47 years 267 days on June 5, 1910)
Yauch, Adam (died of cancer at 47 years 273 days on May 4, 2012)
Zwingli, Ulrich (was killed in battle at 47 years 283 days on October 11, 1531)
Sanmao (committed suicide by hanging at 47 years 284 days on January 4, 1991)
Piaf, Edith (at 47 years 296 days on October 11, 1963)
Paracelsus (at 47 years 318 days on September 24, 1541)
Lowry, Malcolm (at 47 years 334 days on June 27, 1957)
Powers, Francis Gary (died in a helicopter crash at 47 years 349 days on August 1, 1977)