Famous People Who Died at Age 51
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Allen, Ethan (at 51 years 22 days on February 12, 1789)
Evans, Bill (at 51 years 30 days on September 15, 1980)
Maris, Roger (died of lymphatic cancer at 51 years 95 days on December 14, 1985)
Manet, Edouard (at 51 years 97 days on April 30, 1883)
Singleton, John (died of a stroke at 51 years 113 days on April 29, 2019)
Proust, Marcel (died of pneumonia at 51 years 131 days on November 18, 1922)
Strayhorn, Billy (died of cancer of the esophagus at 51 years 183 days on May 31, 1967)
Mondale, Eleanor (died of brain cancer at 51 years 241 days on September 17, 2011)
Bonaparte, Napoleon (died of stomach cancer at 51 years 263 days on May 5, 1821)
Gandolfini, James (died of a heart attack at 51 years 274 days on June 19, 2013)
Tyler, Letitia Christian (at 51 years 302 days on September 10, 1842)
Williams, Stanley Tookie (was executed at 51 years 349 days on December 13, 2005)