Famous People Who Died at Age 85
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Flack, Roberta (at 85 years 14 days on February 24, 2025)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (at 85 years 17 days on July 1, 1896)
Paterno, Joe (died of complications from lung cancer at 85 years 32 days on January 22, 2012)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Sr. (natural causes at 85 years 39 days on October 7, 1894)
Bridges, Lloyd (natural causes at 85 years 54 days on March 10, 1998)
Carlyle, Thomas (at 85 years 62 days on February 4, 1881)
Roth, Philip (died of congestive heart failure at 85 years 64 days on May 22, 2018)
Halley, Edmond (natural causes at 85 years 67 days on January 14, 1742)
Fuller, Samuel (at 85 years 79 days on October 30, 1997)
Haig, Alexander (died of complications from an infection at 85 years 80 days on February 20, 2010)
Lippmann, Walter (at 85 years 82 days on December 14, 1974)
Coleman, Ornette (at 85 years 94 days on June 11, 2015)
Llewelyn, Desmond (died in an automobile crash at 85 years 98 days on December 19, 1999)
Bentsen, Lloyd (died of complications from a stroke at 85 years 101 days on May 23, 2006)
Madison, James (at 85 years 104 days on June 28, 1836)
Kaiser, Henry J. (at 85 years 107 days on August 24, 1967)
Cain, James M. (at 85 years 118 days on October 27, 1977)
Christie, Agatha (natural causes at 85 years 119 days on January 12, 1976)
Phelps, Fred Sr. (at 85 years 127 days on March 20, 2014)
Doohan, James (died of complications from pneumonia at 85 years 139 days on July 20, 2005)
Prowse, David (at 85 years 150 days on November 28, 2020)
Richter, Charles F. (at 85 years 157 days on September 30, 1985)
Hingle, Pat (died of cancer at 85 years 168 days on January 3, 2009)
Robbe-Grillet, Alain (at 85 years 184 days on February 18, 2008)
Brothers, Joyce (at 85 years 205 days on May 13, 2013)
Clark, Roy (at 85 years 215 days on November 16, 2018)
Page, Bettie (died of pneumonia at 85 years 233 days on December 11, 2008)
Lang, Fritz (at 85 years 241 days on August 2, 1976)
Stockwell, Dean (at 85 years 247 days on November 7, 2021)
Madden, John (at 85 years 262 days on December 28, 2021)
Pope Pius IX (at 85 years 270 days on February 7, 1878)
Paar, Jack (at 85 years 271 days on January 27, 2004)
Bork, Robert H. (died of complications from heart disease at 85 years 293 days on December 19, 2012)
Jung, Carl (at 85 years 315 days on June 6, 1961)
Sharon, Ariel (died of heart failure at 85 years 319 days on January 11, 2014)
Boone, Daniel (at 85 years 329 days on September 26, 1820)
Naipaul, V.S. (at 85 years 359 days on August 11, 2018)