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Famous People from Edinburgh, Scotland
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Bell, Alexander Graham
The inventor of the telephone
Blair, Tony
British prime minister, 1997-2007
Connery, Sean
The first and greatest movie James Bond
Doig, Peter
The Scottish-born Tahiti-based painter of 'The Architect's Home in the Ravine'
Dolly the Sheep
The first cloned mammal
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The creator of Sherlock Holmes
Hume, David
Scottish skeptic who wrote
A Treatise of Human Nature
Maxwell, James Clerk
The physicist who came up with the theory of electromagnetism
Scott, Sir Walter
The author of
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The author of
Treasure Island
Stopes, Marie
The UK birth control pioneer who wrote 'Married Love'
Sutcliffe, Stuart
The bassist who left The Beatles just before the band became famous
See also:
Born in Scotland
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