See four short films about loss. Not cry-your-eyes-out grief — tales of loss that are both wistful and hopeful.
First up, an 8-minute film about the loss of a dream. It’s a film by Chris Robinson, about his dad’s obsession with Beanie Babies, a plush toy that was crazy-popular in the 1990s. Dad Robinson bought thousands of the toys, and in this short video, we see how things turned out:
Next, we have the tale of Loprinizi’s Gym in Portland, Oregon, an anachronistic weight-lifting club whose owner, Bob Hill, knows full well that his club is a thing of the past. The documentary is called Loprinzi’s Iron, and it’s by Courtney Hermann:
Loprinzi’s Iron from Courtney Hermann on Vimeo
Another short tale of bygone days is Behind the Light, by Ronan Glynn. Retired lighthouse keepers from the United Kingdom tell a few hair-raising tales about their experiences in lonesome pillar outlooks:
Behind The Light from Ronan Glynn on Vimeo
Lastly, a tale of loss that is uplifting: The Pixel Painter, by Josh Bogdan. It’s the story of Hal “Grandpa” Lasko, a 98 year-old, mostly-blind artist whose graphic design skills of the past have found their way to Microsoft Paint:
The Pixel Painter from The Pixel Painter on Vimeo
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