Family Guy‘s Seth MacFarlane hosted the 85th Academy Awards and we have photos from the telecast.
As host, Seth MacFarlane did, uh… okay. Plenty of jokes fell flat, but he got off some good ones and the musical numbers went without a hitch, so all in all it was perfectly fine. There was this awkward bit with Mark Wahlberg and MacFarlane as the bear from Ted (a song from the movie was nominated for an Oscar):

The bit wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Maybe because I was distracted, wondering how they did the CGI trick — and admiring Mark Walhberg’s commitment to his art.
By now you’ve probably seen this photo of Anne Hathaway‘s face after they announced she’d won the Oscar for best supporting actress:

Here’s Adele, singing the Oscar-winning theme song from Skyfall, while signalling with her right hand how many Grammys she expects to win for this one televised performance:

The stage looked like a cross between the Looney Tunes intro and Close Encounters of the Third Kind:

This was one of the more awkard pairs to be up on stage during the show, Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen Stewart:

I like how this year they had tags for the movie stars we can’t remember:

It was great to see that Barbra Streisand can still belt out a tune — it was a night loaded with great vocal performances by big-voiced women — but she’s looking a little like Nosferatu here, and all that jewelry makes us wonder if she didn’t melt down her Oscar from Yentl and have it refashioned into something less practical:

What? You say she didn’t win an Oscar for Yentl?
It’s hard to remember such things. Like, do you remember when Richard Gere and Renee Zellweger were considered sexy?

Speaking of sexy — doesn’t this look like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? It’s actually Richard Gere and Adele:

Dustin Hoffman looked like he was having a good time up there on the stage with Charlize Theron, I’m not sure why:

Ben Affleck spent the entire night thinking about how he didn’t get nominated as best director, and wondering if by the end of the night he was going to mistake Jessica Chastain for Jennifer Garner, like the rest of us do:

Everybody forgave Quentin Tarantino for talking too much because he did that “peace out” thing that cool people do:

This is how Michael Douglas felt about the yellow dress that Jane Fonda was wearing:

Ah, little Quvenzhané Wallis, with her “guns, guns, guns” pose from Beasts of the Southern Wild. I get the feeling that 60 years from now Wallis will be up on stage before a similar crowd, still doing the guns, guns, guns thing, and people in the audience will whisper to each other, “she’s still got it!”:

The audience gave Jennifer Lawrence a standing ovation when she accepted her Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook. She joked that they merely felt sorry for her for tripping on the stairs, but I suspect they were admiring her ability to turn a rom-com role into Oscar gold:

Bradley Cooper is obviously proud of his co-star, and Robert DeNiro is thinking, “I should have done rom-coms years ago.”:

At long last, Joaquin Phoenix gets Seth McFarlane’s early joke about hoping Phoenix is “on his meds.” As it sinks in, Joaquin isn’t so sure he likes the joke:

Denzel Washington pulls out his Gary Coleman imitation, in an effort to hide his embarrassment for being nominated as best actor for Flight, a movie we didn’t have to go see because we saw the trailer a million times:

Daniel Day-Lewis picked up the best actor Oscar for Lincoln, and, dedicated actor that he is, appeared on stage with lipstick on his mouth and cheek, just as Abraham Lincoln did at Gettysburg for his famous address. After the broadcast, Day-Lewis was confronted by angry historians who claimed the lipstick shade was not historically accurate:

Jack Nicholson and Michelle Obama presented the award for best picture (Argo), with Nicholson providing commentary with his Oscar-winning mug:

At the end of the night, Argo was the big winner and Ben Affleck got an Oscar as one of the producers. So did George Clooney, who wasn’t allowed to speak, having alotted his floor time to First Lady Michelle Obama. They left most of the speechifying to co-producer Grant Heslov, who you may recall for his small role as an actor in True Lies: