Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky was sentenced to 30-60 years in prison, a life sentence for the 68 year-old convicted of sexually abusing children.
Nearly a year after he was arrested, Jerry Sandusky was sentenced in Bellefont, Pennsylvania on 9 October 2012. In June he was convicted on 45 counts involving 10 boys over the course of 15 years. Eight of the victims, now grown, testified against Sandusky.

Sandusky is said to have used his charitable organization for children, The Second Mile, as a way to groom young victims for sexual abuse. As both and indelicately phrase it, Sanduskly “showered them with gifts” then abused them. I’m repeating the phrase here to show how up I am on the New Journalism.
Sandusky maintains his innocence and plans to appeal. He said, “In my heart, I know I did not do these alleged disgusting acts.”

His defense attorney, Joe Amendola, said, “I think that it’s important to consider that there are two sides to Mr. Sandusky. We have a gentleman, who by many accounts, has helped many people.” So, two sides: a gentleman and a rapist. Let’s us do consider that.