Our biography of Karen Pence, the wife of vice president-elect Mike Pence, is now live.
A few things to know about her:
Karen Pence is 58 years old. She was born on November 18, 1958 in Indianapolis, Indiana. That makes her about three months younger than pop stars Michael Jackson and Madonna, four days older than actress Jamie Lee Curtis, and six months older than current Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Karen Pence at the Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health this September. Photo: Indiana.gov
Karen Pence has been First Lady of Indiana since 2013. That’s when her husband took office as Governor of Indiana.
She knew Mike Pence was the one. A 2013 profile of Karen Pence in the Indianapolis Star included this anecdote:
Within a few months of their meeting, she knew that [Pence] was the one. She had a gold cross engraved with the word “yes” and stashed it in her purse. A month later, on Aug. 6, 1984, Mike dropped to his knee as the two walked along the canal in the Meridian-Kessler neighborhood, feeding the ducks. They were married in June 1985.
She has also been known as Karen Batten and Karen Sue Whitaker. Her birth name was Karen Batten and her current married name is Karen Pence. Inbetween the two, she was known as Karen Sue Whitaker. Although details are vague, the site Death and Taxes did the legwork to find that Karen Pence was married and divorced sometime between her freshman year at Butler University and her marriage to Pence at age 26.
For still more on the wife of the future vice president (WOTFVPOTUS?) see our full Karen Pence biography »