According to this story in the New York Times, former First Lady Laura Bush finally “opens up” about the 1963 automobile crash she caused that killed a classmate.
The NYT has an advance copy of Laura Bush’s new book, Spoken From the Heart. They say she tut-tuts about the political treatment of her husband — George W. Bush — and calls Democrats “graceless” and “petty” and “parochial” for calling her husband “incompetent” and “loser” and “liar.” That doesn’t sound like very interesting reading to me.
But it gets a little spicier with her sorta-maybe accusation that she and W. were poisoned while on a trip to Germany, so maybe the book isn’t simply tiresome name-calling. And, after all, not many of us have lived in the White House or know what it’s like to be married to someone who ordered an invasion of another country.
The Times article is mostly about the details of her car crash, when she was 17. She admits she and her friend were “chatting” when she ran a stop sign, but puts forth other circumstances to explain the crash: it was dark, the stop sign was small and the car the victim was driving was unsafe (lefties can appreciate the way Mrs. Bush cites the work of Ralph Nader to back up her claim).
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