Have you read about Lena Dunham lately and wondered, “who the heck is Lena Dunham?” Who2 has the answer — in our new biography.
We have the answer here, too, of course. Lena Dunham is the creator of the HBO series Girls, which we’re told is NOT an updated version of Sex and the City. Yes, Dunham’s show is about privileged white women in New York City. But instead of chatting about shoes and Mr. Right, the women of Girls talk about college and Mr. Not Quite Right.

The cast of Girls includes (left to right) Zosia Mamet, Jemima Kirke, Lena Dunham and Allison Williams. Mamet is the daughter of playwright David Mamet, and Williams is the daughter of NBC newsman Brian Williams.
The show was nominated for five Emmys this year. Dunham was nominated for her lead role in the comedy (she lost out to Julia Louis-Dreyfus).
This week Lena Dunham has been in the news for her video encouraging young voters to re-elect President Barack Obama: