Our biography of Marissa Mayer is now live.
Marissa Mayer is the former Google engineer who became CEO of Google’s longtime rival Yahoo! on July 17th. She was hire #20 at Google in 1999, so jumping to the competition is big news.
Mayer also just had a baby son, which is unnamed so far. She’s asking friends for name ideas (and getting plenty of unasked-for advice).
Marissa Mayer was born in Wausau, Wisconsin (population 39,000) in 1975. Wausau is smack in the middle of Wisconsin, and Mayer is our first biography subject born there. Closest match: Justin Vernon, the musician known as Bon Iver, was born 99 miles away in Eau Claire in 1981.
Here she is on the Charlie Rose show in 2009, talking about Google’s focus on big ideas and small teams.
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