NBC News has the latest story from an appearance today at the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, a friendly audience if ever there was one. NBC says McConnell “appears to freeze” after being asked about running for reelection in 2026, but there’s no “appears” about it. He freezes for 10 seconds until an aide rushes in to say “Did you hear the question, senator, about running for reelection in 2026?”
McConnell says “yes” but then continues to stare off to the side with a vacant gaze and lips clenched.

NBC News
The real tell is that the aide then, unbelievably, winks at the audience as she says, “I’m sorry, y’all, we’re going to need a minute.” If somebody winked at you like that while helping granddad at home, the message would be crystal clear: “He’s out of it, you and I both understand that, so let’s be kind to the old boy.” There’s no other way to interpret it.
She then calls for help from another aide, and that guy’s sideways glance says it all.

NBC News
Remember Mitch McConnell, the courtly assassin, the guy always in total control as he poisoned the system by, say, blocking a perfectly legal Supreme Court appointment from a Democratic president? This is not that guy. Just look at him now. His hair is unkempt, his gaze and his mouth are slack. Look at the way he’s dressed (I almost said “at the way they dress him”), without a necktie and a with a baggy blue blazer that hangs like a shawl.
His aide tries to play it off as if hearing is the problem — “Please speak up,” she says to reporters — but that’s clearly not the issue. His whole affect is “I’m not coherent.” He looks, frankly, like a patient from the memory ward.
The exact same thing happened in July, when McConnell froze for 30 seconds while speaking at the Capitol. This time, a spokesman explained it away as by saying McConnell “felt momentarily lightheaded and paused during his press conference today.”
C’mon. We can all see that’s not the case. This guy shouldn’t be making policy or voting on important public matters. (Neither should Dianne Feinstein!) We don’t know what happened to Sen. McConnell; perhaps it’s related to his concussion in March, perhaps he’s just 81 and has lost his mind.
Journalists haven’t been much help in this moment. NBC News helpfully notes that “Reporters did not ask McConnell about the episode before he departed.” C’mon!
Everything about both of these incidents, especially the way McConnell is babied by his aides and fellow politicians, simply screams that insiders know that this dude is not fit, but they won’t admit it to the public. That ain’t right. As a matter of honor, patriotism, and common sense, Mitch McConnell should resign immediately.