Based on this pixillated photo, can you identify this famous Indiana University researcher born on June 23, 1894?
- He became an expert on gall wasps in the 1920s.
- He was played by Liam Neeson in a 2004 movie about his life.
- He was the author of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).

Yes, it’s Dr. Alfred Kinsey. His famous 1948 book on male human sexuality, now known simply as The Kinsey Report, was surprisingly frank for its day. His works are credited (and blamed) with helping to bring about the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Here’s a much clearer photo of Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s. He died of a heart ailment and pneumonia at age 62 in 1956, just a few years after his famous books came out. His work lives on today in The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University.
See our biography of Alfred Kinsey »