What do you get when you mix Siegfried and Roy with Martha Stewart, then toss in a pinch of Prince?

Patrick Hoffmann / WENN
That’s right. You get German designer Harald Glööckler, seen here promoting his new wallpaper collection “Glööckler by Marburg” in Berlin today.

Patrick Hoffmann / WENN

Patrick Hoffmann / WENN
Here’s a Glööckler primer. (He’s the inspiration for Sacha Baron Cohen‘s alter-ego Bruno, they say.) Harald calls himself “The Prince of Pompöös.”

Patrick Hoffmann / WENN
The location is the Hotel de Rome, of course. I do dig those dog-head armrests.
Glööckler says he is “the most glamorous, the most eccentric German fashion designer,” and there seems to be little dispute on the latter point, at least.

Patrick Hoffmann / WENN
Goodbye for now!