Comedian Jonathan Winters died this week at the age of 87. Read the Who2 biography of Jonathan Winters and watch some video clips.
He was the manic comic who was the King of Improv before audiences knew what improv meant. Jonathan Winters was a familiar face on TV during the 1960s and 1970s. To newer audiences he may have been simply the Hefty garbage bag guy from TV ads, but prior to that he was one of the funnier guests a talk show could have.

His comic schtick was to take an object or a suggestion and BAM! his gift for mimicry and sound effects took over. Pulling characters out of the air — and sometimes relying on developed favorites — Winters would launch into bits of sketch comedy that had audiences roaring with laughter.
Here’s a montage of some of his bits, as well as interview clips:
Here’s Jonathan Winters being interviewed about Robin Williams, his friend and co-star from Mork and Mindy:
And here’s an old chum from the days when Jonathan Winters was merely “Johnny” Winters in Columbus, Ohio:
For more, read the Who2 biography of Jonathan Winters, and follow the links.