Pretty excited to see Robert Redford in his new seafaring drama, All Is Lost. But here’s a weird passage from today’s New York Times profile of Redford:
He seldom watches his movies. He didn’t see “The Sting,” a smash hit in 1973, until 2004 when his grandson suggested it at Christmastime. “I thought it was a really good movie,” Mr. Redford marveled.
Really? He didn’t see his own Oscar-winning movie for 31 years? Even when he looked so good?

So you make a movie, it wins best picture and six other Academy Awards (including Edith Head‘s last costuming Oscar), and you’re nominated as best actor… and you don’t see it? At all? He should get a special Academy Award for Diffidence just for that.
You really do have to be built a little funny to be a great actor or writer, I guess. But godblesshim anyway. He’s been in a bunch of awesome movies.
And yes, he’s already seen All Is Lost. Director J.C Chandor attended the Sundance Film Festival in 2011, and took a novel approach to landing Redford for this film: he asked him.
“In 30 years of supporting new artists and Sundance labs and the festival, no one ever came to me and asked me to be in a film,” Mr. Redford said. “Maybe they thought I was above it.”
See our full Robert Redford biography »