Gene Autry was one of the greatest singing cowboy stars of all time. Going all the way back to the Pliocene Epoch.
It’s true. Of course, I’m talking about American singing cowboy stars. Guys like Roy Rogers and… well, and Gene Autry.
Autry wasn’t exactly a real cowboy, but he was a real businessman and a multi-media sensation. He had hit records, a popular radio show and a TV show, and during his career he made more than 90 feature films. He made westerns where you knew Autry was not only the good guy, he was the nice guy.
And nice guys are sexy, as you can see from these covers of Gene Autry Comics:

A guy who loves animals this much probably loves kids, too, but Gene Autry never had any kids. But the chances are good that just about every American kid can sing at least one Gene Autry song. Because Gene Autry wrote “Peter Cottontail” and “Here Comes Santa Claus,” and his recording of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” is one of the best-selling singles ever.