Watch our favorite supercuts from shows such as The X-Files, Mad Men and Breaking Bad.
Let’s begin with the supercut called “Names of Thrones,” based on the cable series Game of Thrones (based on the novels of George R. R. Martin):
Then, a shot of Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully in The X-Files:

Next, Don Draper (Jon Hamm) from Mad Men, saying “What?”:
Then another shot of Gillian Anderson:

Now, Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston) chews out Jesse Pinkman (played by Aaron Paul) over and over, in Breaking Bad:
Next, Agent Scully saying “Oh, my god” again and again:
And finally, Joan from Mad Men (played by actress Christina Hendricks), seen walking out of a room. Over and over:
As Scully might say, “Oh, my god.”