Posts tagged: Museums

Great Fun for Book Lovers

Do you like looking at book collections? At creative gifs of old photos and miniature oddities?

Beatlemania in Hamburg is Kaput

The German museum has had only 150,000 visitors in three years. Is it finally curtains for the Fab Four?

A Tower of Lincoln Books

 Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. is where Abe Lincoln got shot in the head. Their Center for Education and Leadership is now open to the public and features a tower made of books about Lincoln.

Andy Warhol Exhibition, Andy Warhol Interview

Tomorrow the Indiana University Art Museum is opening an exhibit of more than 150 photographs by pop artist Andy Warhol.
The photos come from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Not to be confused with the Warhol museum.

Madame Tussauds Has a Presidents Gallery

The Washington, D.C. branch of the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum franchise has just come out with an exhibit in honor of all the presidents of the United States.Imagine the thrill of seeing a lifelike politician for the first time.They even gathered them all in one spot for a photo shoot, which you can see here (and there’s rock music, so it won’t be boring).