Sasha Obama’s Real Name is Natasha
Natasha Obama is a search we see a lot of, so we’d like to clarify for our readers: Natasha Obama is the real name of Sasha Obama, the second daughter of …..
Natasha Obama is a search we see a lot of, so we’d like to clarify for our readers: Natasha Obama is the real name of Sasha Obama, the second daughter of …..
Barack Obama called him Madiba — why? We’ve got the full story.
We’ve updated our 2007 study of Nelson Mandela’s many names to include the clan name Madiba.
How can the French and Germans save the Euro if they can’t get the nickname right?
From Monsieur Marshmallow to Mister Normal — the many nicknames of the new President of France.
Here’s a fun list from the Village Voice, The 20 Best Nicknames in the Big Mafia Bust.
It includes gems such as:
Anthony “Baby Fat Larry” Durso
Vincent “Vinny Carwash” Frogiero
Anthony “Tony Bagels” Cavezza
John “Lumpy” Hartmann
Anthony “Firehawk” Licata
Joseph “Junior Lollipops” Carna