Posts tagged: Randy Quaid

Randy Quaid v. Hollywood Star-Wackers, Round 3

 Actor Randy Quaid has lost his bid for permanent residency status in Canada, where he’s been since 2010, hiding from the “Hollywood Star-Wackers” who are out to get him.

Does Charlie Sheen Prove Randy Quaid’s Theory on Star Whackers?

Yesterday Radar Online featured this “bizarre audio” of a statement by actor Randy Quaid.
Quaid explains his (and his wife’s) strange behavior of the last few months as his attempt to get himself free of shadowy group of accountants and lawyers he calls “a malignant tumor of star whackers in Hollywood.”

Randy Quaid Skips His Court Hearing

Jiminy, it’s hard to keep up with the antics of actor Randy Quaid. He and his wife, Evi Quaid, have been tearing up the west coast on the lamest crime spree in modern history — trashing hotels, messing with the landlord and now missing another court date.

Randy Quaid 2.0: Now With More Burglary

Randy Quaid is at it yet again.  He and his wife Evi have been charged with burglary after they were caught squatting in the guest house of their former home near Santa Barbara.

Barbra Streisand Wants Me to Buy ‘What’s Up, Doc?’

Barbra Streisand sent me an email today with the headline “‘What’s Up, Doc?’ Coming Soon on Blu-ray.”  (The inside headline is all enthusiasm: “What’s Up, Doc? Available in Two Weeks!  First Streisand Movie on Blu-ray!”)

The Quaids Go Free

Catching up on a loose end from this week: Randy Quaid and his wife Evi have settled the fraud, burglary and conspiracy charges against them.