The First Church of Tiger Woods is no more. Well, it’s still there, but it’s been changed to The Damnation of Tiger Woods by it’s founder, “Pastor” John Ziegler. That’s one endorsement that greatest-golfer Tiger Woods has lost since his “transgressions” with (who knows how many) women who don’t happen to be Elin Nordegren, his wife.
So far that list of women includes Rachel Uchitel and Jaimee Grubbs.
But the story about the Church of Tiger is more than halfway about it’s founder, John Ziegler, a former sportscaster and host of talk radio (he claims to have been named in 2007 “the 54th most important talk host in the country by Talkers Magazine.”).
On the site he doesn’t exactly say Tiger is God. Back in 2000, when he first cranked up the site, Ziegler wrote, “To me, if Tiger Woods is NOT God, he is at least a human lab experiment to determine the potential of our species.”
Ziegler added that watching Tiger’s swing is “better than seeing MOST women naked.”
But now Tiger’s gone too far, in Ziegler’s opinion. And John Ziegler has lots of opinions, and a proud IN YOUR FACE attitude about them.
Here on his site he displays several videos of himself as he confronts conservative Republicans who just aren’t conservative enough. And getting hauled off by the cops and barred by event coordinators is a badge of honor.
He includes just about every bit of news out there about John Ziegler, including nutty sounding news accounts of his 2005 fight in a defamation suit filed against him by a TV host in Louisville, Kentucky.
That suit involved a professional athlete whose name, coincidentally, has come up in the Tiger Woods scandal. It’s not quite clear how it’s related to the lawsuit, but the above story mentions Ziegler’s run-in with the Big Brother/Big Sister organization for asking a 10 year-old kid on the air about the 2003 rape allegations against Kobe “I Need a Kobe Special” Bryant.