Queen Elizabeth II was at Margaret Thatcher‘s funeral yesterday, and that led us to update our photo files of the Queen, god love her. She’s been busy this month, so let’s catch up.

The Queen knows how to mourn. Classy, tasteful, but definitely all black and nothing silly.

…unlike some people we could name. I’m talking about you, Welsh mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins. A fascinator is not appropriate at a funeral unless you’re burying the Ringling Brothers.

But let’s move on. Because the Queen is above all that, and because she and Prince Philip still need to greet Thatcher’s family.

Also, they have chocolates to inspect. This was on April 5th, when she and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the Research and Development area of Mars Chocolate UK. They “watched demonstrations of chocolate production including caramel cooking, ganache manufacture and chocolate moulding.”

Engrossing. Keep up the good work, lads!

The Queen knows just the right moment to break out a crazy hat. And that moment is when visiting a chocolate factory.

Later that day she unveiled a plaque at the new Britwell Community Center in Slough. There’s something touching about how they hang up a little curtain for her to draw, there.

She was out-gussied by Beefeaters at a Maundy Thursday service on March 28th.

Right down front. The Queen always gets a good seat.

And why not? At age 86, she still has better posture than a lot of prelates. “Shoulders back, sir!”

A few days later, Queen Elizabeth was given a special honorary BAFTA Award “in recognition of a lifetime’s support to British film and television.” Actor Kenneth Branagh swung by Windsor Castle on April 4th to make the presentation.

Afterwards it was time for more greetings. Here she chats with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings actor Christopher Lee. She’s telling him, “I’m so glad George Lucas sold.”

Let’s end on this one, from Easter Sunday services at St. George’s Chapel. I hope the Queen enjoys getting flowers from little girls as much as I always enjoy seeing it. Don’t forget to curtsey!
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