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Famous Cancer Business Personalities
Andreessen, Marc
July 9
Creator of the Netscape web browser
Branson, Richard
July 18
Founder of the Virgin business empire
Carvel, Thomas
July 14
Founder of the Carvel ice cream empire
Davis, Al
July 4
General manager and owner of the Oakland Raiders, 1963-2011
Griffin, Merv
July 6
TV host who created
Wheel of Fortune
Messerschmitt, Willy
June 26
Designer of Nazi Germany's Bf-109 aircraft
Musk, Elon
June 28
The rich guy behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter
Perot, Ross
June 27
The wealthy Texan who founded EDS and ran for president in 1992 and 1996
Redenbacher, Orville
July 16
The creator of Orville Redenbacher popcorn
Rhodes, Cecil
July 5
The English diamond magnate and South African politician
Schultz, Howard
July 19
The CEO who made Starbucks an international company
Walker, Maggie Lena
July 15
The first black American woman to open a bank (1903)
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