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Famous Capricorn Political Figures
Chretien, Jean
January 11
Prime Minister of Canada, 1993-2003
January 6
The Roman statesman who stood up to Marc Antony
Clark, Wesley K.
December 23
Former NATO commander and presidential hopeful
Clegg, Nick
January 7
Deputy Prime Minister of the U.K., 2010-2015
Genét, Edmond Charles
January 8
Rabble-rousing French minister to the U.S., 1793
Hamilton, Alexander
January 11
Co-author of
The Federalist Papers
Hancock, John
January 12
The Founding Father with the giant signature
Hoover, J. Edgar
January 1
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1924-72
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali
December 25
Founder of Pakistan
Johnson, Gary
January 1
The Libertarian presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016
Lagarde, Christine
January 1
The head of the International Monetary Fund, 2011-present
Macdonald, John A.
January 11
Prime Minister of Canada 1867-73 and 1878-91
Paul, Rand
January 7
U.S. senator from Kentucky, 2010-present
Sessions, Jeff
December 24
U.S. Attorney General, 2017-2018
Trudeau, Justin
December 25
The Prime Minister of Canada, 2015-present
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