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Famous Gemini Celebrities
Bellow, Saul
June 10
Author of
Henderson, The Rain King
Seize the Day
Bourne, Randolph
May 30
The author of
Youth and Life
Brooks, Gwendolyn
June 7
The first African American to win a Pulitzer for poetry
Busey, Brook
June 14
The former blogger and stripper who wrote the movie
Carson, Rachel
May 27
The author of
Silent Spring
Carver, Raymond
May 25
American short-story writer
Chabon, Michael
May 24
The author of
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Colfer, Chris
May 27
The former
star who writes fantasy novels for kids
Collins, Joan
May 23
Ageless star of TV's
Cornwell, Patricia
June 9
The best-selling author of the Kay Scarpetta series
Doyle, Arthur Conan
May 22
The creator of Sherlock Holmes
Ellison, Harlan
May 27
The author of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" and 'A Boy and His Dog'
Erdrich, Louise
June 7
The author of
The Plague of Doves
Flanagan, John
May 22
Author of the
Ranger's Apprentice
series of children's books
Fleming, Ian
May 28
The creator of James Bond 007
Frank, Anne
June 12
Author of
The Diary of Anne Frank
Fuller, Margaret
May 23
The feminist who wrote 'Woman in the Nineteenth Century'
Ginsberg, Allen
June 3
The Beat-era poet who wrote
Giovanni, Nikki
June 7
The poet who wrote "Ego-Tripping"
Hammett, Dashiell
May 27
The author of "The Maltese Falcon"
Hardy, Thomas
June 2
The author of
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Held Evans, Rachel
June 8
The LGBT-friendly Christian blogger who died tragically at 37
Hill, Joe
June 4
The author of
Heart-Shaped Box
Howe, Julia Ward
May 27
The abolitionist who wrote
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Laurie, Hugh
June 11
The grumpy-but-brilliant doctor in TV's
Lorca, Federico Garcia
June 5
Spanish dramatist/poet who wrote
Poet in New York
Matthiessen, Peter
May 22
The author of
At Play in the Fields of the Lord
McMurtry, Larry
June 3
The author of
Lonesome Dove
Myers, Mike
May 25
Star of the
Austin Powers
Oates, Joyce Carol
June 16
The author of
Pope, Alexander
May 21
Author of 1733's
Essay on Man
Pushkin, Alexander
June 6
The author of the verse novel 'Eugene Onegin'
Robbins, Harold
May 21
The author of
The Betsy
Roethke, Theodore
May 25
The Michigan poet who wrote "Elegy for Jane"
Rushdie, Salman
June 19
Author of
The Satanic Verses
Sayers, Dorothy
June 13
The creator of Lord Peter Wimsey
Sendak, Maurice
June 10
The illustrator who created
Where the Wild Things Are
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
June 14
Author of
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Strieber, Whitley
June 13
The alien-abductee novelist who wrote
Styron, William
June 11
Author of
Sophie's Choice
Wagner, Richard
May 22
German composer of
Der Ring des Nibelungen
Whitman, Walt
May 31
The poet who wrote
Leaves of Grass
Wilson, E.O.
June 10
The ant expert who wrote 1978's
On Human Nature
Wolff, Tobias
June 19
Author of the memoir
This Boy's Life
Yeats, William Butler
June 13
Irish poet and playwright
Yep, Laurence
June 14
Author of the 1975 book
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