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Famous Libra Activists
Baraka, Amiri
October 7
Author of the 1964 play
Berrigan, Philip
October 5
Blood-pouring, missile-hammering ex-priest
Davison, Emily
October 11
The suffragist who was run over by the king's horse in 1913
Dworkin, Andrea
September 26
Author of
Woman Hating
Gandhi, Mohandas
October 2
Non-violent leader of Indian independence
hooks, bell
September 25
Black feminist critic of "white supremacist capitalist patriarchy"
Norquist, Grover
October 19
The lobbyist who initiated the GOP's anti-tax pledge
Seale, Bobby
October 22
Co-founder, with Huey Newton, of the Black Panther Party
Sharpton, Al
October 3
New York's African-American preacher, activist and presidential candidate
Tutu, Desmond
October 7
The bishop who won a Nobel prize for opposing apartheid
Walesa, Lech
September 29
Trade union activist who became president of Poland
Woodhull, Victoria Claflin
September 23
The first woman candidate for U.S. President
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