All the Kennedy children were born in Massachusetts. For the record, here are the cities of birth as listed by Ted Kennedy in True Compass:
Joe Jr: Hull
Jack, Kathleen, Rosemary: Brookline (“a trim little house on Beals Street”)
Eunice, Pat, Bobby: Brookline (“a larger house in Brookline”)
Jean, Edward: Boston
Brookline is a neighborhood just west of downtown Boston. The family was actually living in Bronxville, New York when both Jean and Ted were born. But as Ted explains in his book:
After the move to Bronxville, though, my mother insisted that one bond with her origins remain unbroken: any children still to come would be born in her native city–never mind the intervening two hundred miles. In 1927 she returned to her beloved Boston for the birth of Jean. And in early 1932, at the age of forty-one, my mother returned again for my birth at St. Margaret’s Hospital.
We regret the original error on Joe Jr.’s birthplace, and we’re please to correct it now.
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